Thursday, March 1, 2012

*****UPDATE***** Train vs People

   We do indeed have an update on the running tally of trains versus people. Last time, it was Trains-3, People-0 due to idiots listening to music on their ear-buds and/or texting while walking in front of a train.
   Our update comes from Regina, Saskatchewan, where a guy walking along the track very early in the morning got hit by a freight. Cops say our guy was extremely drunk when he received a glancing blow. He wasn't killed, and the train didn't derail so I guess this technically goes onto the scorecard as a goal-less draw.
   Apparently our hero managed to walk (stagger) for help.
   I hope he was just drunk enough to dull the pain, but not so drunk that he can't boast about it to his buddies over a beer.
   'Nuff said.

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