Monday, April 30, 2012

Terry Jones Is An Idiot

   Not the Terry Jones of Monty Python fame. That guy's a frikkin' GENIUS. The Terry Jones I'm speaking of is the right-wing 'preacher' in Florida who's been at it again burning the Quran. He burned several more copies Saturday at his so-called Dove Outreach Centre. I dunno who he's reaching out to, but it ain't got nothing to do with doves.
   This religio-fascist fuck-tard Islamophobe doesn't seem to grasp the basic principal of 'you reap what you sow'. Now, I'm not a huge fan of Islam myself, but I don't go around burning the Quran. I'm also not a huge fan of Christianity, but I don't go around burning copies of the Big Book of Thou Shalt Not (the bible) either. As you are well aware, I'm an atheist who has no use for religion at all. But I'm also enough of a realist to let those who do believe practice those beliefs as they wish. Preferably peacefully. And as long as they don't turn up on my doorstep.
   But I digress.
   All this stupid prick Jones is doing is fanning the flames of religious hatred even more than they already are. And to top it all off, this douche-bag is running for President of the U.S in the fall. He'd better run with his head down. I do not condone violence, but this idiotic son of a bitch might just find himself a target for a home-grown militant's bullet.
   And for that matter, what's he going to say to the family of the first American or Westerner kidnapped and butchered in the middle east because of his actions? It could happen, you know. If that scenario does play out, I hope the family takes the asshole to court and has him charged with being an accessory after the fact or something.
   Or sue the jerk and his 'church' for everything they've got for the death of their loved one.
   So 'pastor' Jones, it's time you took a big drink from the bottle of Shut The Fuck Up and vanish back into the swamp.
   'Nuff said.

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