Sunday, April 15, 2012

Texting Terror..Take Two

   A while back, I told you about a woman in the States who was so busy texting she literally walked off the end of a pier and into Lake Michigan. Fortunately, her husband and a bystander saved her from drowning. But not a huge amount of embarrassment.
   People have also fallen down stairs and walked into fountains because what was on their screen was more important than the reality of their situation. I've already mentioned the young man in Canada killed when he was hit by a train while texting and listening to music.
   Now comes the story of a guy in California's north L.A County who was happily walking and texting at the same time. Until he saw the bear.
   Yup! A bear. A real live fucking BEAR. Seems the bruin has a penchant for getting into garbage bins in the area, and has been seen on the stroll so to speak at night. The whole encounter was caught by a KTLA news helicopter. Including the guy's startled reaction. Before he ran away. Probably sporting "brown trousers". He's just lucky Yogi didn't give chase!
   So, another lesson learned. Look up from time to time when your texting, cause you never know what you'll see. It might be a bear. It might be a 45 year old cougar in the bar area!
   'Nuff said.

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