Friday, April 27, 2012

Octo-Mom Plus One

   So, a day after I blogged about Nadya Suleman, better known to the world as Octo-mom after she had octuplets, comes news out of Mexico that a woman has done her one better.
   Karla Vanessa Perez is having 9 babies. Nonuplets, which I guess makes her Nono-Mom. She's having 6 girls and 3 boys, and is due to pop May 20. That's an entire mixed baseball team. Talk about stretch marks!
   And like Nadya, Karla was a selfish bitch and had fertility treatments ensuring she'd have more than one. She's currently being treated in a hospital in northern Mexico, near the Texas border. And from what I've managed to glean from the 'net, 8 is the largest number of babies carried successfully to term with all the kids surviving.
   Maybe Karla and Nadya's kids can get together in the future. They could field 2 complete football (soccer) teams between the 2 of them. With enough left over for some substitutions. Hell, Nadya's got enough for one side already! Shit, for that matter, maybe the moms can get together for Brazilian Blowout haircuts!
   But seriously, people should not be fucking around with nature. If you're meant to have kids, you have kids. If not, so what. The world's overpopulated as it is, and in my humble (?) view, having 9 is nothing short of being, well, selfish.
   'Nuff said.

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