Monday, April 16, 2012

Happy Birthday Benny

   It is indeed pope Benny's 85th birthday today. He's now older than the guy he replaced, JP 2, and is showing signs of slowing down. No shit. Benny says he's already starting to feel the icy hand of death getting ready to grip him. He celebrates his 7th year on the throne Thursday.
   Those close to him say he has looked particularly tired since his return from a grueling trip to Mexico and Cuba last month, followed by a hectic week of ceremonies leading up to Easter. But he was alert and smiling on Monday.
   As part of his big day, a bunch of kids in traditional Bavarian costumes (no sign of jackboots) danced for Benny, who had to use a cane and a mobile platform recently just to get around. This again has prompted speculation that he might one day become the first pontiff in seven centuries to resign willingly.
   One retired archbishop openly speculated that someday Benny could choose to step down instead of reigning for life if he felt he could no longer run the Church properly. He's is the only pope in living memory to discuss publicly the possibility of resignation, though others have done so privately. In a book in 2010, he said he would not hesitate to resign if he felt no longer able "physically, psychologically and spiritually" to run the Catholic Church.  And maybe he should.
   The priest sex scandals keep growing all the time, along with speculation of a rift forming among the high ranks in Rome. And continued rumours of corruption won't go away. So, maybe it's time the pope did.
   So, do the "right thing" for once and say "Bye-bye" Benny! A lot of people won't miss you when you're gone.
   'Nuff said.

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