Thursday, April 12, 2012

Only In Canada? Count Your Blessings

   A couple of things on the national radar screen today. One is newer, bigger and more graphic warnings on cigarette packs, which become mandatory in June. There are 16 of them, and not only are they for cigarette packs, but also those small cigars people love. And graphic they are! A Health Canada copyright prevents me from sharing any of them, which is probably for the best, since one shows a tongue ravaged by cancer. It's not a pretty sight, I can tell you.
   Will these new warnings, which will cover 75% of any pack, get people to quit? Not a fucking chance! As a former addict, and anyone of you who smokes knows, it's hard to quit. Very hard. Even if you get diagnosed with emphysema.
   Will it keep people from starting? It might, but since the focus is on trying to keep young people from picking up the habit, I doubt it. The old saying "It Can't Happen To Me" applies.
   Moving on.
   The Feds have also introduced MANDATORY language testing for certain would be immigrants to Canada. Specifically, those taking semi or low skilled jobs. They would be required to show some proficiency in either English or French. Meaning reading, speaking, writing and listening abilities would come under the microscope. Higher skilled workers would not be required to take the test.
   Can anybody say LAWSUIT? Because I'm sure that's exactly whats going to happen when someone fails the test and is refused entry. And it could be on several issues. Race, religion, refugee status. Take your pick.
   Maybe we should test our politicians proficiency. Or people in the media! I'm sure a lot of them would fail.
   'Nuff said.

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