Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Axe Is Falling

   It is indeed at Canada's "National" Broadcaster, the CBC. That's the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation for my foreign viewers. It's kinda like the BBC, but a lot shittier. Which is why I call it the Crappy Broadcorping Castration. This TAXPAYER funded corporation has had it's budget hacked by 10% by the federal government. The budget, by the way, is $1.15 BILLION dollars, Canadian. It means the network faces a $225 million shortfall.
   The "Mother Corp" as it's known is now doing the thing they do best..bitching and complaining about having to cut programs (Canadian made, and usually shitty production, acting, writing and subject matter), and having to actually run advertising on some of their radio networks (like PRIVATE radio's been doing successfully for decades). Boo fucking hoo!
   If you're going to whine about budget shortfalls, try getting rid of staff, although there were staffing cuts announced. I have a friend who's in the media who told me every time there's a big news conference, the CBC sends 6 people. Usually in 4 vehicles. That`s an English radio AND T.V reporter plus a cameraman. Along with a French radio and T.V reporter and cameraman. And this buddy of mine says 99.7% of the time NO ONE IN THE EVENT EVEN SPEAKS FRENCH!! So right there, they could cut 3 positions and 2 vehicles by having 1 cameraman and 2 reporters. One English, the other French.
   This same friend also told me one of the CBC`s on-call reporters works about 28 hours a week. And gets paid $40 thousand a year for doing it. Nice work if you can get it. Which brings up the point that maybe CBC should start cutting the dead wood from the top down.
   As you can tell, I`m not a fan of CBC, and if their funding was cut by the remaining 90%, I`d only care because it`s no longer a drain on my tax dollars.
   So hack away Tories!
   `Nuff said.

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