Tuesday, May 1, 2012

That Hurts. It's Funny, But It Hurts

   If you're going to dump your girlfriend, don't go back to her for dental work. That should be a no-brainer, but for a guy in Poland, it came back to bite him. Not that he's going to be biting anything back for a while.
   It seems our hero did in fact dump his girlfriend for another woman. The woman he threw over just happens to be a dentist. Marek Olszewski woke in the chair after getting dental surgery, and noticed something was wrong. Very wrong. That's when he noticed his jaw was bandaged. Oh, yeah. All his teeth had been removed by the jilted woman!
   According to the story I saw, the woman in question, Anna Machowiak, at first had no thoughts of revenge. But the green eyed monster got the better of her when she saw the guy out cold. She's now being investigated for malpractice, among other things. He's investigating denture clinics for a new set of choppers.
   And as bad as it is, Marek is probably thanking his lucky stars his ex isn't a urologist!
   'Nuff said.

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