Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Miss Universe Canada

   That busty blonde is Jenna Talackova, Canada's entry into the Donald Trump owned Miss Universe pageant. Finally. You've no doubt heard the story about Jenna being disqualified because she didn't meet a key requirement. "She" was born a"He".
   Jenna was indeed born male, but early on knew he was meant to be a woman. So, several years of hormone treatment, and gender reassignment surgery 4 years ago (the "outie" became an "innie", if you know what I mean), and voila! The result above.
   Jenna was devastated when she was told she was out of the pageant, and hired femi-nazi lawyer Gloria Allred to try and get her back in. Sure as shootin', The Donald caved, and Jen's back in. That is, of course, if she can meet the "legal gender requirements" of Canada. She does have a B.C drivers license and a Canadian passport, both identifying her as female.
   But it's not quite as simple as that, is it? Respondents to several polls, including on-line and local radio stations, are saying Jenna should NOT be allowed to compete in a FEMALE beauty pageant. And while I agree to the extent that she wasn't born a girl, and therefore shouldn't be allowed to compete, this is the 21st century, and several lines have become fuzzy. Including, it seems, those of gender.
   Trump, by the way, has wished her well in the competiton.
   Will I watch because of this controversy? Hell, no. And while I wish Jen a good run, it might be for the best if she didn't win.
   'Nuff said.

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