Tuesday, April 24, 2012

It Wasn't Meant To Happen

   That's Allison Redford. She and her Progressive Conservative party won a majority in the Alberta provincial election Monday. She wasn't supposed to. At least not according to political watchers in the province. And several polls. No. Danielle Smith (old "tire tits"...see posting of March 27) and her upstart Wildrose Party had been seen as the upset winners. They were the party who would finally dethrone the Tories after 41 years in power.
   It didn't happen. And not just because Albertan's don't like change (before the P.C's got in in 1971, the Social Credit party ruled for 36 years). Indeed, it seemed Smith and company were on cruise control, steaming toward the biggest electoral upset in, well, 41 years! But on the way to the polls, over the course of the campaign, something happened. Like the Titanic 100 years ago captained by someone named Smith, the RMS Wildrose hit an iceberg. A man made one. Their candidates opened their mouths.
   One was a homophobic blog from one candidate saying gays would "roast in a lake of fire". Another candidate said being white gave him a leg up on his competitors. Both continued getting support from Smith who herself came out saying she wasn't convinced climate change was real. From those points on, the party..like the ship, was doomed.
   So, congratulations to Redford and her Tory party, who won 61 of the 87 seats in the Legislature, Wildrose 17. And to Smith and crew: Alberta IS a multi-cultural province, no matter what you think, and there are gays, lesbians etc living there. So before picking candidates for the next election, a suggestion. Screen them first, and if they have these bozo-moments, at least make sure they shut the fuck up about them until AFTER the election!
   'Nuff said.

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