Tuesday, April 17, 2012


   Now that I have your attention, today's post does in fact deal with what a lot of people have on their minds a lot of the time.
   And first, we start in the U.S where a guy who's now in prison is suing the hospital he was circumcised in as an infant! Buddy says the procedure has "robbed him of his sexual prowess". You'd think in a prison, sexual prowess would be the last thing on your mind. Unless he's a jailhouse Suzie. Anyway, he's after one thousand dollars in compensation and punitive damages. Good luck with that! Legal fees alone would be far over that. Oh, yeah. The best part is our guy wants to have the circumcision reversed. OUCH!
   A bigger question is, what would they use? An eyelid? That'd make him cock-eyed for sure!
   Our next tale of tail comes from Ontario, and a rather ignorant or innocent premier. Dalton McGuinty was heard to ask reporters "What's a Bunny Ranch?" when they asked him about a report that Toronto might become the home for one.
   When told it was a Nevada brothel, old Dalton was heard to say "We're not going there---next question".
   The whorehouse is eyeballing Canada's biggest city after a court struck down bawdy house laws.
   Way to stay in touch Dalton. I guess YOU'VE never been to Vegas! And I've heard stories that what happens at the Bunny Ranch, doesn't always stay there. I guess V.D is nothing to clap about!
   'Nuff said.

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