Saturday, April 21, 2012

Phoney Baloney Kony

   I dunno what it's like where you live, but the Kony 2012 campaign seems to have fizzled. Last night, April 20/12, was THE DAY when people were supposed to plaster the Kony 2012 posters all over everywhere, in an action called "Cover the Night". Not in my backyard. Driving around my city, I saw none. Not one. Zero. Which is about where the whole campaign ended up. At least in my part of the world, and probably several others too.
   You know the back-story about this. Joseph Kony, Ugandan warlord, grabs kids out of their beds and forces them to become soldiers in his "Lords Resistance Army". Or sex slaves. Well, an American "documentary" maker, Jason Russell, did a half hour thing that went viral and got 100 million hits on You Tube. You know by now I watched the video, or tried to and didn't make it far, and thought it rather self centred and self serving.
   The campaign was also hurt by Russell taking a stroll down a San Diego street naked, while babbling incoherently before being picked up by men in white with butterfly nets and then taken to a Psych ward. His "charity", Invisible Children, has been in damage control since. Not to mention the "charity" itself has come under scrutiny over allegations that a lot of the money raised isn't making it to Africa.
   Compounding it all is the fact Kony isn't in Uganda, and hasn't been for quite some time. I already stated in an earlier post (at least I think I did) that his support has also dwindled to a few hundred at best.
   So, I did not take part in the "Cover the Night" bullshit. I also think it best for "Invisible Children" to stay that way. Oh, yeah. Jason: Here's hoping they give you better drugs in the loony bin than the ones you may apparently have taken before your naked stroll.
   'Nuff said.

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