Thursday, April 5, 2012

*****UPDATE***** Train vs People..Again

   We do have another update to pass along on our "Trains vs People" scorecard. Last time, it was Trains 3, People 1. Well, it looks like People are pulling the game back, because we have another survivor!
   A guy in Thunder Bay, Ontario who was extremely drunk either passed out or just went to sleep between the rails of the tracks the other day, and didn't hear the 70 meter long train that rolled over him. He was either drunk enough not to sit up, or sober enough to realize that sitting up would equal death, because he just lay there until the whole thing went over him. Then he crawled off the track. Must've been pretty fuckin' drunk. Anyway, they took him to hospital, and it turns out our hero wasn't injured.
   So, by my tally, that now makes it Trains 3, People 2.
   Our other survivor was another drunk in Regina, Saskatchewan who got grazed by a freight.
   2 of our non-survivors were listening to music on their ear-buds and didn't even hear the trains whistle when the engineers blew it.
   Our other victim was not only listening to music, but texting at the time.
   I wonder if "People" can pull even, or are the "Trains" going to blow them off the track. I'll keep 'track' of the score. And I'm not sorry for the bad pun either.
   'Nuff said.

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