Monday, April 23, 2012

A Sad Saudi Story

   It seems a 4 year old in Saudi Arabia killed his father for, of all things, not buying him a PlayStation. Yup! Seems the little lad was pissed with dad for refusing his request for the popular gaming console. And so when dad got home without the desired platform and took off his gun and put it down, the kid grabbed it and capped the old man in the head! Holy fucking shit!
   I mean, seriously WTF? I can see a 4 year old getting miffed at not getting a gaming system, but to go real life first person shooter on dad? Really? And just what was dad doing with a gun? Personal protection? I doubt it.
   And what're they going to do with the kid? I mean in Saudi Arabia, they cut murderers heads off with a fucking sword. In public. So, they gonna wait till junior turns 18? Then give him the neckline haircut? Mind you, in that backward country, they'll probably find a way to blame his mother or something.
   And at least the kid's got some "hands on" practice for the next Halo release!
   'Nuff said..

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