Monday, April 2, 2012

Banning Drive Thru's

   Ahh, Tim's. That quintessential Canadian icon of all Canadian icons. Nothing's better than rolling into a Timmy's for a double double on the way into work. But maybe not for long in one Canadian city.
   Saskatoon, Saskatchewan is pondering a ban on all future drive thru's, whether it's Tims, McD's, B.K or whatever. And the rationale is simply this: Too many long line-ups snarling traffic. Not a ban on ALL drive-thru's, just new ones.
   Not a bad idea at first glance. Many's the time I've been stuck in line for 20 minutes or more for my morning cuppa and a maple dip. But once you get past that first glance, things start to fall apart.
   First: I can see lawsuit after lawsuit if they go ahead with this plan. I can almost hear the argument now. "Your Honor. Drive thru 'A' was put in before this ban, and they're allowed such service. My outlet was put up after the ban, and now I'm losing business to my competitor because I can't have drive thru service."
   Second: There's a matter of convenience. Sure, it can and does take time to get through the line at some outlets. But can you imagine the chaos if and when people would have to park..if they can FIND a place to park..get out of their vehicle, go into the outlet, place their order, pay, leave, get back in their car and drive off? Holy fuck! Now you're looking at half an hour or more! And if the folks in Toon Town think traffic's bad at a Tim's now, try and imagine what it'd be like under the scenario above! A total cluster fuck!
   Bottom line is this. Leave things the way they are, as imperfect as they are, because the possible alternative could be much worse than reality.
   And while we're at it, how about allowing people to have a beer in strip clubs! Not allowed now! Get with the 21st Century Saskatchewan.
   'Nuff said.

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