Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Tuesday Thoughts

   Not much happening as we get into the dog days of summer, so today a few thoughts in typical Ratbag randomness.
   First: Baby names. We already know Kim Kardashian broke the strict rules of her home planet and did not give her girl-spawn a name starting with "K". Rather, she called it "North West". Well, just recently, Jessica Simpson also dropped a kid and named him "Ace Knute". Now, I'm sure the poor little sprat is going to be bullied over that, especially by people who don't know how to pronounce "Knute" properly. The kid's going to be teased a lot, and likely called "Ace Nut" or even "Fuck Nut" quite a bit. I'm beginning to wonder if Iceland isn't on to something with the "Registry of Approved Names". And they were going to deny Blaer (Blair) HER name. Well, I guess it could be worse for little Ace. At least he ain't called Pilot Inspketor.
   Moving on: Vatican Banking. Seems a high ranking catholic cleric ( who also has ties to the troubled vatican bank) is one of several busted for trying to funnel millions of dollars into a shipbuilding firm. This, as the bank itself looks at possible money laundering. Just what pope Frankie needs.
   Finally: Entertainment Deaths. A Cirque du Soleil performer fell 50 feet to her death during a show in Vegas. According to witnesses, it was the final act of the show when the woman fell, and people first thought it was part of the show. It wasn't. And if you're a pro-wrestling fan, you'll have heard of Doink the Clown of WWF fame. The man who was the original Doink, Matt Borne, died recently at 56. No cause was released.
   As I said. It's the Dog Days of summer.
   'Nuff said

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