Friday, July 19, 2013

Any Day Now.....We Get Pawned

   In fact, Will and Kate could be just a few hours away from becoming parents! This afternoon (London time), the Royal couple left the house where Kate was staying, and with a police escort, headed for London.
   Some reports are saying Kate is passed her due date, but Will hasn't taken paternity leave as yet. Of course, Palace staff aren't saying anything about where the couple are headed in London, and won't say anything until a baby is actually born. Unless a couple of Aussie DJ's pretending to be other members of the family prank their way into getting information (see my blog of December 7 2012 "It's Not Funny Anymore").
   So, the wait is almost over!
   For now: 'Nuff said.
   ****UPDATE: It seems I, along with thousands of others, were duped! A couple with a striking resemblance to Kate and Will did show up at the hospital, but it was a false alarm. It seems the pair were "advertising" for the Sun newspaper, and it was nothing more than a prank. Unless the REAL Will and Kate snuck in through a side door or something.****

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