Monday, July 22, 2013

Paint That Nursery Blue!

   It IS a boy for William and Kate. The former Kate Middleton delivered an 8 pound, 6 ounce boy today, who is now third in line to the British throne behind Will and Charles.
   And it wasn't an easy pregnancy for Kate either. She had severe morning sickness that needed hospitalization. During her treatment at a central London hospital, pregnancy rumors reached a boiling point and the palace was forced to confirm what the public had long hoped.
   And Kate didn't help matters when she supposedly spilled the beans on the kids sex. she was handed a teddy bear, and was heard to say  "I'll take this for my d......" before stopping herself in mid sentence and correcting herself saying "my baby". (See my blog of March 6).
   That one sentence alone had punters heading to their local bookies placing bets that it was going to be a girl. Ladbrokes for one will likely be raking in the cash after that. Of course, they'll also be paying out quite a bit to those who picked correctly.
   And now with the world knowing it's a prince, will come speculation (and betting) on what name will be chosen for the future king. Among the front runners is George at 12 to 1. Phillip at 23-1, Louis at 25-1, followed by Arthur, James, Alexander and a host of others. And you can probably lay even money odds that with the tradition in the Family, there ain't going to be a Justin, Chase, Ashley, Cole of Pilot Inspektor.
   Whatever the name, I wish Will, Kate and the prince the best, and hope the tyke doesn't get colic.
   'Nuff said.

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