Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday Meanderings

   And we'll start with updates on the 2 items in my last blog. Unfortunately, the death toll has risen to 13 in Quebec after that train derailment/explosion. Officials still don't know how high it'll go.
   Also, it seems the pilot of the Asiana Airlines flight that crashed in San Fran was training on the Boeing 777. And his supervisor was making his first ever flight on that type of jet. Un-be-fucking-lievable! It's also not known if the senior pilot tried to wrest the controls away in the moments before the jet went down, killing 2 and injuring several others. And, authorities also say the jet was coming in 25% slower that it was supposed to, came in too low, then pointed it's nose up before slamming into the ground.
   And speaking of unbelievable, you've probably heard of the shit going down in Brazil?
   In a country where football (soccer) isn't a sport, but a national religion, comes word that a referee was killed, quartered and had his head impaled on a tree. Not for a blown call, or giving a penalty to the opposing team. No. It seems the ref stabbed a teenage player after the player refused to leave the pitch.
   And it seems entertainers aren't safe either. A rap "star" was shot in the chest and killed as he was performing recently. The 20 year old was midway through his set. So far, cops have made no arrests in that, but they do have one suspect in the klink in the referee killing.
   I think I might cancel plans to go to Brazil for the World Cup and the Olympics.
   'Nuff said.

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