Tuesday, July 9, 2013

He Was Going HOW Fast?

   Quite fast, actually. In fact, faster than the speedometer above registers. A guy in Ontario was seen blasting down the 401 at 225 km/h. That's 140 mph. That's twice the local limit. Apparently, it was 8:20 in the morning on a Saturday when Speedy Gonzales decided to make his run. In a Mazda. Make unknown. The cops eventually pulled the guy over, and impounded the car for 7 days.
   You might start to wonder: Was this guy high? Wonder no more, 'cause when the cops got him, they smelled marijuana. And found pot in the car as well. So, yeah, he was. Our guy now faces drug and driving charges.
   I just wonder what munchies he had that necessitated him going that fast?
   'Nuff said.

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