Monday, July 29, 2013

What's Frankie Up To These Days?

   Well, it seems Frankie the First has just wrapped up a tour of Brazil, where millions gathered on a beach for a mass. It also seems Frank has said he wouldn't judge priests for their sexual orientation.....meaning gay. Hmmm. Here I though priests were not supposed to have ANY sexual orientation. I thought they were supposed to be celibate. Anyway, it seems former pope Benny signed a document in 2005 that said men with deep-rooted homosexual tendencies should not be priests. Now, Frankie is saying gay priests should be forgiven, and their sins forgotten. Right. Tell that to the victims and families of victims of gay pedophile priests.
   All this follows reports that a trusted aide to Frankie (a "clergyman" himself) was involved in a gay tryst some 10 years or so ago. The pope investigated and, not surprisingly, claims to have found nothing to back up the allegations. Yeah, right.
   Does this mean Frankie has tacitly given the green light to allow gay priests to be ordained? No answer from me on that. Will it help or hinder the vatican's supposed crack-down on pedophile priests? No answer from me on that one either. The man with those answers, if he'll ever give any, is Frankie himself. And given the secretive nature of that church, I doubt we'll hear anything.
   'Nuff said.

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