Saturday, June 29, 2013

Hi-Yo Mortadella! Away!

   So, it seems a New Mexico meat plant has been given the o-kay to start slaughtering horses for meat. And the feds in the States will now assign inspectors to the plant. Not that horsemeat can be legally sold in the U.S, but there's apparently a strong overseas market for it. That would be Russia, China and Mexico.
   However. Even  though they've got the go-ahead, the operation might not last long. Back in 2006, Congress banned the slaughter of horses, saying federal inspectors (the USDA) couldn't spend money doing so. That expired in 2011, but there are 2 bills now in the house to do it again. As it is now, 130 thousand horses are shipped to Mexico and Canada annually for slaughter.
   It wasn't that long ago European regulators discovered horse meat was being sold as beef in Ireland, and the mislabelled meat was found in meatballs sold by Ikea.
   The reference to Mortadella is because it was supposedly at one time made from horsemeat. Which could be true.
   And if you're wondering if I'd try horse, the answer is a loud "Neigh".
   'Nuff said.

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