Sunday, July 14, 2013

A Brazilian Killer Cow

   Brazil's been in the news recently, with the killing of a soccer player, a ref and a rap 'star'. Cows have also been making headlines after several people were injured during the "Running of the Bulls" in Pamplona, Spain (see my blogs of July 8th and 12th respectively). And a story from that South American country has now combined the two.
   It seems a man was killed in Caratinga, in Brazil's south, by a cow. No, he wasn't trampled or gored in the town's local "Running of the Bulls" festival, but he was hit by a bovine. As he slept. It seems Joao Maria de Souza and his wife were in bed, sound asleep, when the cow came through their roof. His wife was narrowly missed when the one ton bovine crashed through the fibreglass roof hitting the man. Apparently, the cow was feeding on top of a nearby hill, and somehow tumbled down.
   'Nuff said.

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