Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Odds And Ends

   Yup, another slow day as summer drags on. So, I've been scouring the world of the weird for something to blog about today. And I found something. In fact, it's making the rounds on quite a few of the news sites I track. It comes from England, where a 27 year old woman was having ear pains, accompanied by a weird scratching sound. She finally went to the doctor when she noticed a discharge from the ear, and pain shooting down her arm.
   The doc checked and thought it was an infection. Until he looked a little deeper and found the larvae from a flesh eating fly happily chewing away in the woman's ear. It turns out she'd been on a hiking holiday in South America, and one of the flies decided her ear would be a great spot to lay her eggs.
   The woman will recover, but I'm willing to bet she won't take more hiking trips to South America anytime soon.
   Moving on: In the past I've blogged about the perils of pocket dialing, and the need to get a holster or carrier for cell phones. Well, from Oklahoma is another example of why you should not put your mobile in a pocket.
   Seems our hero accidentally pocket dialled 911. Embarrassing to say the least. But for this guy and a buddy, it happened at the completely wrong time. It seems the call was made while the duo were breaking into a house. The call centre dutifully monitored the call.....then notified the cops who picked up one suspect and are now looking for the other.
   I wonder if either will use their old cell to call a lawyer from their new one.
   'Nuff said

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