Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A Classess Act

   Yup! The teenage tool, Justin Beiber, has struck again. Twice. First, hockey fans will no doubt scream about Beebs "defiling" the Stanley Cup when he had his picture taken with it recently. And not just the fact that he posed in full "rap" gear, but he's also got a personalized Chicago Blackhawk jersey hanging in the background. What a pisser.
   And speaking of pissers, the website TMZ has a video of a young man who may be Beiber taking a slash. In a janitor's bucket of all things. Which was in the kitchen of the restaurant. When you gotta go, you gotta go. That's true, but the video also shows his "friends" egging him on. I guess he's far to important to "hang" with the proletariat, so to speak.
   I just wish he'd piss off, but I guess that ain't gonna happen.
   'Nuff said.

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