Tuesday, July 16, 2013

I Think I'll Just Make My Own

   O-kay. How much would you pay for a burger? 5 bucks? 10 bucks? 50 bucks? 5000 bucks? How about 350 THOUSAND bucks? Someone, somewhere in the world is forking over 350 grand for a burger. And not your run of the mill burger made with ground round, chuck, Kobe or Angus either. No. This meat was specially grown. In a lab. From cow stem cells. By a Dutch scientist. And the process is kinda gross. It seems each of the 3 thousand strands of meat was specially grown, and will be ground up into a burger like consistency. It's also said specially lab grown fat will be added, since you need some fat with the meat.
   And forget about slathering the monstrosity with mayo, mustard and ketchup with onion, lettuce and tomato. Seems Mr. Scientist is going to flavour it with salt. And a little pepper. No condiments of any kind.
   As for the taste.....well, the "creator" of the meat says it tastes fairly good. Unlike "Mc D's". But if one burger costs that much, I'm thinking if I had 350k, I'd just go to my local butcher and pay about 5 bucks for a pound of real ground meat, hit the bakery for some buns and pocket the rest of the cash. And put whatever the fuck I felt like on it.
   'Nuff said.

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