Sunday, June 23, 2013

They're Baaaack!!!

   Twinkies are returning to store shelves, and they'll still be made by Hostess. You'll know Hostess went bust after an acrimonious fight with the union, and went into receivership, eventually being sold. Well, they're back under a new management scheme and a leaner operation. Meaning the Twinkie will be back on store shelves in an even wider market July 15th.
   Also returning from the dead are CupCakes and Donettes. You'll no doubt remember the rush people were in to stock up on the crème filled cakes, going as far as buying them on e-bay at hyper-inflated prices.
   The new plan sees Hostess ship to distributors, rather than directly to stores, meaning a much broader reach, and the number of bakeries has been cut from 11 to 4. As for the cost.....apparently it'll be $3.99 for a 10 pack, same as before. And I doubt the new owners are going to start fucking with the recipe. Remember "new" coke?
   So, waistlines of America, you can expand again starting July 15th! Viva Twinkie!
   'Nuff said.

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