Saturday, June 15, 2013

She Popped..UPDATE

   Kim Kardashian had her kid. She popped it out Saturday morning, after "feeling unwell" Friday night. At least KK won't be bringing the brat on her "reality" show. And apparently daddy Kanye WAS at her side when she dropped it, contrary to rumours he wouldn't be.
   Still no word on the kids name, but in keeping with the tradition on planet Kardash of naming girls with a "K", I'm thinking Kookie or something equally stupid. And there's no word if she ate her own placenta, like she said she was going to do. (See my blog of June 11.)
   The unfortunate thing is, we're not through hearing about their spawn just yet. We'll have to wait for the obligatory "baby picture" to be "leaked" (ie: sold) to a tabloid. I wonder if the kids got webbed hands and feet. Maybe an antenna. Still, I don't think I'll be looking for it when it comes out. The quicker they all fade away, the better.
   'Nuff said.

   *****UPDATE: Well, not for the first time, I was wrong about K and K naming their brat. In fact, the kids name won't start with a "K" (goodbye tradition from planet Kardash). In fact, the little bugger's name will be: North West! Well, it could be worse. Something like "Blanket" or "Pilot Inspektor". Anyway, I still hope they all fade away quickly.

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