Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Oh, Shit. I Think I'm Gonna Puke

   And there are a couple of reasons my stomach contents are about to be violently projected outward in a power retch.
   Not the least of which is a new "sandwich" from Krispy Kreme. No, it's not some killer new donut burger monstrosity, although it does contain ground beef. It's a Krispy Kreme Sloppy Joe. And as you have likely already figured out, it's a glazed donut, stuffed with sloppy joe, smothered in tomato sauce and sprinkled with cheese.
   Easy stomach, don't roll over now.
   It's the brain child (or brain fart) of the same guy that brought us deep fried Kool-Aid, deep fried bacon wrapped pickle and cookie dough bites. I'm surprised he hasn't figured out a way to deep fry the Krispy Joe.
   Still hanging on to your lunch? Maybe this will change things:
   Yup, she's back. And willing to share a yucky surprise with us all. Kimmy K, as you are probably sick of hearing, is preggers with Kanye West's spawn. Now she says (and thanks for sharing Kim) that after she drops the kid, she's going to eat her own placenta. I know cows, deer and other animals on earth do, so I guess it's some kind of ritual on the planet Kardash too.
   There's been no word if it'll be raw, stir fried or stuck in a fucking Krispy Kreme donut, but that's one thing I hope does NOT make it into her "reality" show. Other "celebrities" have done the same, but they at least had the decency to have it freeze dried, ground up and put into capsules first.
   I mean, just the thought of this is making my bile rise right now. A Krispy Kreme Sloppy Joe???
   Oh, yeah. That other thing too.
   Now if you'll excuse me, I have to make a very long call on the porcelain telephone to someone named "Ralf".
   'Nuff said

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