Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Are You Ready For Some Football?

   12 year old Maddy Blythe was. Until she got punted from the team, and had her dreams of earning a college football scholarship dashed. At least for now. Why? Was Maddy not a good player? No. Did she not show up for practice? No. Maddy was ushered out of the locker room because she's a girl. I guess I should point out the team she got cut from was all boys. Oh, yeah It was also at the Strong Rock Christian School in Georgia. Go figure.
   It seems the CEO started spouting from the Big Book Of Thou Shalt Not (the bible), and the boys having "lustful" thoughts about her. Cough (bullshit), cough. Seems our CEO also stated men and women are created equal.....but different. No shit! El Douchebag also went on to say "girls play girls sports, boys play boys sports". Whatever the fuck that means.
   Apparently the coach isn't so old fashioned, and actually tried to keep her on the team, but to no avail. Maddy's mom, a former cop, has started a facebook page called "Let Her Play". But I seriously doubt the sanctimonious, self righteous son of a bitch CEO is going to bend. Hell, I don't even think he's capable of getting his head out of the sand.
   Thanks religion, for fucking up someone's life again.
   'Nuff said.

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