Friday, June 7, 2013

Hope They Never Reproduce

   And I say that after watching a video of 5 or 6 guys trying to pull a limb from a rather large tree somewhere in the States. And no, they're not simply using bare hands and a rope. Nor are they using a honking big 4x4 pick-up. They're using a front wheel drive, 1980 or 90 vintage Buick! A fucking Buick for shit sake!
   These rocket scientists have attached a chain to the rear of the car, and the limb of a very tall tree, and are using the car to try and bring it down. With the predictable result. First, they start off fairly gently in one direction.....several times.....only to have the ass end of the Buick lift off the ground, the tree bend a little, but the limb stays solid.
   I lost count exactly how many time these geniuses tried, before they switched to the other direction, and gave her the gas! With exactly the same result, only a more violent lift of the rear end of the car. They give 'er one more go.....and the chain snaps.
   Now, I'm not exactly a rocket scientist myself, but you don't have to be too dumb to realize it ain't gonna work. The easy (but admittedly less fun) way to do it is borrow a ladder and a chain saw and hack the limb off.
   And for the record, if I see an ad for a "slightly used" 1980 to 90 Buick with front and rear end damage, I'm not buying.
   'Nuff said.

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