Friday, June 14, 2013

How Much Would You Pay

   We all know that monthly parking bill is one son of a bitch. In Canada, the average rate was 240 bucks a month. Which ain't bad when you consider folks in Calgary, Alberta are paying an average of 440 a month. New Yorkers would love those rates, because in the Big Apple can and do pay up to 560 bucks a month. So, wouldn't it be nice if you could outright buy a stall?
   That's what a couple of people in the States did recently. Someone in San Francisco forked over 82 thousand for a 12 by 8 stall. Which is nothing compared to what a woman in Boston spent for 2 stalls. They were bought at an auction for more than 500 thousand dollars! The median price of a house in Massachusetts is 310 grand.
   I guess I'd better not gripe about paying 190 bucks a month for a reserved stall. With a plug in for winter.
   'Nuff said.

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