Monday, June 24, 2013

You Could Almost See This Coming

   Outside a shoe store in Atlanta, as people waited in line to get one of 22 pair of $180 dollar special LeBron James running shoes, a man was shot and killed. Did he cut in line? No. Did he try and rob someone who just bought a pair? No. Then why was he shot? Well, it seems the man was going up and down the line trying to pick-pocket patrons as they waited for the doors to open.
   Someone in line (claiming self defense) pulled a gun and shot the guy, then got back in line to wait the 5 hours until the store opened. And there were 50 people in line for those 22 pairs of shoes, by the way. Cops got there, and also determined (at least for now) the shooter was acting in self defense.
   Now, I've got a few questions about this. First: If the crook was walking up and down the line, why didn't someone call the cops and have him busted? Or possibly even grab the guy and hold him till they arrived? Was the perp armed? What I saw didn't say. Second: Who takes a friggin' gun to  shoe store at 5:30 in the morning? Third: Who really needs to spend 180 bucks on a running shoe to begin with? I know, James is a HUGE star in the NBA, but really? The last question kinda answers itself. Why didn't they make the shooter go to the back of the line (A: Cause he had a gun). I just hope the guy was #24 in line.
   'Nuff said.

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