Thursday, June 13, 2013

The T-Rex Is Extinct. Again

   It is a sad day, because 65 million years after the mighty Tyrannosaurs Rex died out, he's been killed again.
   The T-Rex I'm talking about didn't wander around on 2 legs looking to kill something. This one just sorta sat on a tray, waiting to kill someone. It seems a Wendy's outlet in Brandon, Manitoba is no longer selling the T-Rex burger. This meaty dinosaur consisted of 9 1/4 pound patties, glued together with 9 pieces of processed cheese in a bun. That's 2 POUNDS of burger, all told. A spokesperson for the restaurant in question says they don't condone or promote consuming 2 pounds of meat on one sitting, The question I have is simply: Why the fuck were you selling it in the first place then? Because they were apparently selling them until Wednesday night.
   The thing had 3 thousand calories, 6 thousand grams of salt and 200 grams of fat! And the best part was the burger cost $21.99. I wonder if that was in a combo?
   'Nuff said.

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