Friday, June 28, 2013

"Pot" Bellied Pig

   So, it seems in Washington State, a pig farmer has come up with a rather unique ingredient in the slop he feeds his swine. Most of us know about Kobe beef, and how the Waygu cattle are treated. They get massaged, get special feed, and get beer. Quite a bit of beer. But in this case, the pigs get marijuana. Yup! Pot! This, after the state legalized recreational use of weed. The little piggies get marijuana leftovers in their feed.
   And apparently, they get the munchies! It seems pigs fed with the "special" blend of feed pack on 20 or 30 pounds more than swine that just get the run of the mill slop. No one knows if the pigs get stoned or not, but my guess is, yeah they probably do. And the reason behind that reasoning is simple. People who've tried it say there's a 'kick' to the meat.
   And a butcher in the same state also feeds his pigs pot before turning them into prosciutto. Both say it's very popular with customers.
   And I've got the perfect side dish: "Hash" browned potato's.
   'Nuff said.

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