Saturday, February 2, 2013

What A Pair Of Douchebags

   One for leaving a sort nasty note instead of a tip, the other for firing the waitress who posted it online. Lets re-wind and start from the start. A pastor was in a St. Louis area restaurant, and apparently wasn't too pleased about the 18% gratuity tacked on the bill. And while said pastor paid the tab, she wrote on the bill saying "I give god 10%. Why do you get 18%", explaining the work for god absolved her of tipping. She also put a 0 with a line through it where the tip should go. Oh, yeah. The bill was for just over 34 bucks, meaning the tip would be about 6.
   Anyway, pastor Douchebag complained to the management at the eatery after the bill went viral, saying the firestorm ruined her reputation. And that''s where Douchebag #2 comes in.
   The manager FIRED the waitress, a move that surprised her since posting something like that was never covered in the company employee handbook of "do's" and "dont's". In fact, she thought it was comical, but I guess the 12th commandment is "Thou Shalt Not Sully The Name Of Thine Employer By Posting Shit On-Line". The 11th commandment is, of course, "Thou Shalt Not Be Found Out".
   No word yet if the waitress plans on suing for wrongful dismissal. If she does, I hope she doesn't get a douchebag for a lawyer. Oh yeah. I guess that's really not possible, is it.
   'Nuff said.

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