Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thursday Thoughts

   And there are a few things to go over. First, you've no doubt seen the picture of the Russian Aeroflot cabin attendant flipping the bird to passengers on the plane. She's in the rear of the aircraft, and extends her fuck finger to the backs of those on board. Needless to say, she got fired. But it begs the question about just how many flight attendants are giving the one-finger salute to passengers on all airlines? I'm sure it's more than a few. And I'm just as sure that when they get those precious few minutes of a break between serving drinks and meals, then collecting other people's garbage, they're probably verbalizing their feelings about certain passengers among themselves. And who can really blame them? You're stuck at 35 thousand feet with several hundred whiny, demanding people who think your sole duty is to cater to their every need. For several hours at a stretch. In this case, though, the attendant broke the 11th commandment of "Thou Shalt Not Be Found Out".
   Second, you'll also know Disney is planning yet another Star Wars movie. This will be the 7th in what was originally planned to be a trilogy. And it supposedly will be a stand-alone featuring Jedi master Yoda. A shit I don't give. This particular cow has been milked dry, and should now be turned into dog food. Don't forget the flop they had with "John Carter".  Hopefully this will also tank, and we can leave the whole franchise far, far away.
   Finally ( and not too soon at that) from the Land Down Under: Seems Aussie lawmakers are going to take the fun out of kids birthday parties. By forbidding them from blowing out the candles on their cake if they celebrate at school. Why? Was this a fire hazard? Were too many kids rushing in and blowing them out before the birthday child? No to both. A medical research council says kids can't blow out their candles because it spreads germs!
   I think this "council" is the one that blows!
   'Nuff said.

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