Wednesday, February 20, 2013

They "Suspect" Foul Play?!?

   Police in L.A have recovered the body of a 21 year old Canadian woman missing since late January. Not much unusual about that.....until you hear the grizzly details. Elisa Lam was on a cross country trip across the U.S, and was staying at the Cecil Hotel.....a 2 star hotel on the edge of L.A's Skid Row of the homeless, drug users and other 'upstanding' members of society. Her body was found on the roof. Wedged into a water tank. In fact, guests at the opulent Cecil alerted management when they noticed a drop in water pressure. It was confirmed Lam was the victim using marks on her body.
   And that's where the question of "suspicious" comes in. I find it hard, if not impossible, to believe she went for a midnight dip in a water tank and got stuck. Nor do I find it believable that this was a suicide, although the Cecil has seen more than one of those. No. My thought is that poor Elisa met foul play, made even more foul by her next to final resting place. So I'm hoping the LAPD will solve this soon, so her family can at least have closure.
   'Nuff said.

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