Sunday, February 17, 2013

Are You Serious?

   That's the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal, celebrating her 60 years on the throne, and it was meant to be handed out to people who have made a difference in their community. You know the type, people who have devoted their lives to the betterment of their community through volunteerism, working with special interest groups, and even civic politicians who have improved their community through initiatives meant to help them grow. But not, apparently, London Ontario.
   The entire council there, all 14 members, got the medal, after voting themselves as recipients. This, after they applied for 300 medals, but were told only 129 would be available to the city. That meant some people who thought they were getting a medal, didn't. That included a 90 year old woman who survived the holocaust, and ran a clothing store for 50 years. This woman had been nominated, but after an in camera meeting of council late last year that approved the 14 members of council for the award, she was told she wasn't getting it.
   And did they deserve it? Those 14 members of council? That's a question I can't answer, cause I don't live there, but it seems kinda shitty to nominate a 90 year old holocaust survivor, then tell her she ain't getting one, while the "old boy" network kicks in for self congratulations. Maybe the provincial government should look into this. Maybe the Lieutenant Governor. For that matter, maybe the Governor General. These idiots should have their medals stripped from them for the simple reason that it was a back-door, underhanded, secret decision they made to have themselves honored.
   Since this decision came to light, an anonymous donor gave his to the woman in question, and 4 members of council refused theirs, sayng the secret decision was not unanimous, and their medals should go to others in the community.
   I just hope the man who GAVE his to the 90 year old gets special recognition and a new medal, for his actions. And I also hope the 10 members of council who apparently decided to hang on to their medals don't sleep well at night.
   'Nuff said.

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