Friday, February 22, 2013

I Wasn't Going To Go There!

   Really I wasn't, But I, like so many others around the world, have been caught up (if not inundated) by the story of South African double amputee Olympic Champion Oscar Pistorius:
   You know the background by now, that Pistorius is charged with premeditated murder in the Valentine's Day shooting death of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp at his home. He claims he thought the person in his bathroom was a dangerous intruder when he fired a gun through the door. It wasn't. It was Reeva, and she died after being hit 4 times. There's a lot of legal ramifications still being sorted out, so I won't, for a change, give you MY 2 cents on what I think happened.
   But I can tell you that Oscar has been granted bail, with several conditions. And that bail is around 115 thousand bucks. Shit, if he'd been arrested in Canada, he'd more than likely be in remand until his trial, however long that takes. In the States, his bail would probably be set at at least a million, probably more. But, I guess the South African justice system knows what it's doing. And it likely wouldn't be difficult to identify him should he decide to skip the country. The Magistrate hearing the case also commented on the fact that Pistorius has been co-operative so far.
   The trial is still likely several months away, and for what it's worth, I don't think he has a real leg to stand on. And I'm not sorry, either!
   'Nuff said.

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