Thursday, February 21, 2013

He's Giving Us All A Bad Name

   Back in December, I blogged about a guy in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, who claims to be an atheist, who got his jockey shorts twisted over that city's transit buses scrolling "Merry Christmas" in those electronic destination signs they use.
   Well, Ashu Solo is at it again.
   This time, he's gone to that provinces Human Rights Commission bitching about a member of council offering a prayer before an event. Solo.....who's name is an anagram for U Ass pissed that politics and religion were mixed at the gathering sometime last year. Mr Holo (sorry, Solo) has also asked for an apology from the mayor and council member involved, and  a promise not to do it again.
   As an atheist myself, I'm offended by his position. If you don't like a prayer being said before an event, do what I do. Simply block it out and think of something else. But going to a Human Rights tribunal simply proves that Ashu Solo certainly deserves his anagram. He lost his case to have the "Merry Christmas" message removed from buses. And if he thinks he's going to win this case. Well, maybe he should start praying.
  'Nuff said.

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