Friday, February 1, 2013

They Won!!

   Back on January 4th, I blogged about the young Icelandic girl and her mom who were challenging that country's official Registry of  Names. Her mother had a local priest christen her daughter Blaer (Blair), which means "Light Breeze", before realizing the name was not on the list of some 18 hundred "approved" girls and 17 hundred boys names. The registry wasn't going to allow her to keep the name, because they felt it  was more male than female.
   Today, Blaer Bjarkardottir and her mom Bjork Eidsdottir got word that they won their battle in a regional court, and Blaer's name can now go on documents like her passport. Up until today, she had to use "Stulka", which means "girl".
   Not only is it a victory for her and her mom, but other parents because if they want to call their daughters "Blaer", they can also do so now.
   So, a big CONGRATS to both of you!
   'Nuff said.

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