Friday, February 15, 2013

Maybe The Sky IS Falling!..NEW INFORMATION

   It certainly seemed that way in the Ural mountain region of Russia today! A meteor streaked through the sky above Chelyabinsk, some thousand miles northeast of Moscow. You've probably seen the video of the vapor trail, then a blinding flash of light. Then at least 2 sonic booms. It was those that caused windows to blow out, injuring at least a thousand people who were watching the spectacle in homes, apartments and businesses, mostly due to flying glass.
   One egg-head I heard on my local radio station was saying if this 7 ton chunk of rock had hit the ground, it would be devastating. He likened it to the power of the second atom bomb dropped on Nagasaki during World War 2. That was the equivalent of 20 kilotons. 20 thousand tons of TNT. A different scientist says the blast was 15 times bigger than that, at 300 kilotons! That makes it easily the largest meteor blast in a century. But more on that a little later.
   The death toll would have been huge had it hit any populated area. Chelyabinsk, Moscow, Paris, London, Rome. Hell, any city you'd care to name would have been ravaged. And there was another space rock, half the size of a football field, passing inside the orbits of some communication and weather satellites. 27 thousand kilometers away, but still a near miss when you talk about cosmic distances. And it didn't hit. Which is a good thing, cause I heard it was about 3 times the size of the one over Russia.
   These aren't unusual either. Once a decade or 3, we get a 10 ton rock slamming into the atmosphere, and every few hundred years something the size of the one that brushed by.
   But those pale in comparison to the Tunguska event in 1908. A meteor, asteroid or comet burst in the air above the Tungus river in Siberia, flattening millions of trees in an area said to be 2 thousand kilometers. The energy equivalent of that was said to be 5 to 30 megatons. That's a fucking hydrogen bomb!
   And even that was small potatoes compared with the one that scientists believe slammed into the earth 65 million years ago, wiping out the dinosaurs. And THAT was even dwarfed by a supposed impact on the order of hundreds of millions of years ago.
   So, today at least, Chicken Little was right! The sky was falling. At least in Chelyabinsk, Russia. And as the Russians might say,Святое дерьмо! Holy Shit!
   'Nuff said.
   *****NEW INFORMATION: Scientists have drastically revised upward the size and explosive potential of the meteor, now saying it was 55 feet, weighed about 10 tons, and had the explosive equivalent of 500 kilotons!

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