Tuesday, February 5, 2013

He Did It!..Update

   Back on October 15th, I brought you the story of Felix Baumgartner. He's the man who broke 3 word records when he jumped from a capsule tethered to a balloon from a height of 24 miles. He broke the record for the highest manned ascent in a balloon, the highest parachute jump, and the highest speed attained in free-fall. In fact, he became the first person to break the sound barrier without the use of a jet engine.  He went supersonic for about 30 seconds before denser air started slowing him down.
   Back in October, it was said he got to 834 miles an hour (1,342 k/ph). Well, NASA has revised that speed.....upwards.
   According to "official" numbers, Baumgartner actually got to 1,357 k/ph. That's 843.6 miles an hour. That's almost 10 mph faster than originally thought!
   Not that it really matters anyway. He'd still have the record one way or another.
   Anyway, congrats Felix!
   'Nuff said.

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