Tuesday, February 12, 2013

They're At It Again

   For a 3rd time, North Korea has detonated a nuclear device, this time a smaller one than those previously tested. And now there are fears (rightly so) that Pyongyang is getting close to having one small enough to mount on a rocket capable of hitting the U.S.
   And what is the world going to do? Probably the same as always. Make a lot of noise about how Kim Jung Un, or Sum Dum Fuk or whatever his name is shouldn't be doing that. They've been told quite a few times by the U.N that playing with nukes is a no-no. But I'm afraid the U.N telling North Korea to stop testing is like a parent of a 2 year old telling the child to quit sticking their hand in the candy dish. And both have had the same penalty.....a slap on the wrist and the wagging finger in the face saying "don't do it again, or you're in REAL trouble".
   The problem with that is obvious on 2 fronts. First, a 2 year old has more intelligence than the leaders in the PRK, and might just get the message. And secondly, the leaders in the PRK don't give a flying fuck about what the rest of the world (including China) thinks. Nor do they care about their people if the U.N unleashes the big punishment.....more sanctions. The vast majority of people in the north worship the cult of leadership, meaning no matter how much like dogshit their "leaders" treat them, they'll always be back to worship and adore.
   What needs to happen here, short of a thermonuclear holocaust, is for China.....North Korea's "ally".....to lean hard on Kim and his krew of krazies to back down. China's economy is starting to really boom (no pun intended), and they need markets in the west, especially the U.S, to flourish. So it's in China's best interest to put the screws on the North, and sit little Kim and the rest of his mob in the "quiet corner" for a while. At least until this tantrum is over. And maybe, Kim needs his diaper changed too. It, like him, seems to be full of shit.
   'Nuff said.

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