Saturday, February 23, 2013

Stimmen Für Adolf Hitler

   Yes! Vote for Adolf Hitler!
   No, not that one. Not the nutty Nazi that plunged the world into war, resulting in the deaths and suffering of millions. Not him. But today, people living in a northern state in India will have a chance to put their "X" next to Adolf Hitler's name in an election for their assembly. If you can find it on what's a crowded ballot to say the least with 345 names on it. And Adolf Hitler's name was there. It seems the state is famous, or maybe infamous, for people having strange names. The Hitler on the ballot is Adolf Lu Hitler, and he's won 3 elections to the state assembly, despite having the same name as the guy above.
   Apparently, the senate candidate's father worked with the British Army, but it wasn't clear if his dad was in the war. Anyway, dad was apparently fascinated with the dictator, hence the naming of his son. Lu has travelled the world, including trips to the U.S and Germany and says despite his moniker, he's never had trouble getting a visa. In fact, when asked about his name, Lu says he didn't have a whole lot of say in the matter at the time. My question is: Why not change your name? Well, it seems to have worked well for him in the past. And Adolf Lu Hitler isn't the only one with a strange name. In fact, one other candidate has another unusual one:
  Yup! Frankenstein. Well, Frankenstein Momin to be exact! I guess name recognition plays a large part in the election. And not that you asked, but if I had a choice, I'd vote for Frankenstein. At least twice! Better a fictional monster than a real one. Any day.
   'Nuff said.

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