Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Nice Job If You Can Get It

      And until questions start being asked about the spending habits of members of Canada's (unelected) Upper Chamber. 4 of the politically appointed senators are under scrutiny. The senators books are being gone over by an independent auditor to see about housing and travel expenses being claimed by all 4 of them. It's alleged that the senators in question don't meet residency requirements in their home provinces, and that one racked up travel expenses of 351 thousand dollars since 2010. That's a hell of a lot more than most people in this country (me included) make in 8 or 9 years. And the taxpayers are footing the bill.
   That senator claims to spend 168 days a year in the home province. The travel bill between there and Ottawa was over 29 grand
   Hell, one of them is under investigation for alleged sexual and physical abuse, and has been suspended. Apparently with pay.
   And there are other perks as well. Staff, a wonderful salary, pension benefits and, if the senator in question is 69 year old Rod Zimmer, you get to bonk this:

 So long as the Viagra's in effect. That's 23 year old Maygan Sensenberger, and I've blogged about her enough already.
   My American friends have the right idea when  it comes to the senate. A fixed number of senators, and they must be elected.
   Anyway, enjoy the pig trough Canadian senators. I hope your days of sucking the taxpayers teats dry are almost over.
   'Nuff said.

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