Monday, February 11, 2013

Good-Bye, Benny

   Yep. Benedict 16 says he's resigning on February 28th, and that a new pope will be chosen sometime in March. It's the first time in almost 600 years a pope has resigned. The last was back in 1415. And while today's move took an awful lot of people by surprise, others say they weren't as stunned. Benny turns 86 in April, and says the reason for his departure (something he's hinted at for quite some time) is simply the fact that he says he's getting too old for the job. One he was elected to in 2005. At age 78.
   The supposed "Rottweiler" of church doctrine certainly leaves quite a mess for the next chap to clean up, and based on his actions.....or lack of them.....the rottweiler was either muzzled or had his teeth yanked out. The Führer-Kinder pope seems to have been the latest in a long line of church leaders (not all catholic, either) to turn a blind eye to the ongoing sexual abuse scandal. He also seemed befuddled by the Vati-Leaks scandal as it became known in the media, when his own butler (allegedly) stole papal papers and leaked them. And there was some damning stuff in there, including a supposed plot to bump off Benny, and install a "new boy". Which will now happen in March.
   Yep, the Cardinals (not the bird) will meet in conclave to pick his successor, and according to the rules, Cardinals can't be over 80 in order to vote. So, you have a pack of mainly 70 years olds deciding who gets to be their next leader. Hopefully this time, they'll elect someone NOT of their generation who will clean up the church's act, clamp down on the pedophilia that seems to be prevalent among priests. Not the majority, mind you, but enough to cost them billions in restitution. If you believe all the media reports.
   As for Benny.....well, he'll apparently go into a monastery in Rome to live out the rest of his days.
   So, I'll bid Farewell Benny! And wish the new guy good luck. He's gonna need it!
   'Nuff said.

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