Friday, November 30, 2012

Waiting For Doomsday

   The world will end 3 weeks from today, on Friday, December 21st. Well, at least if you believe the ancient Mayan prediction. On the 21st, the date of the winter solstice, a calendar cycle called the 13th b'ak'tun comes to an end, although some say the Mayan's would not see the day as apocalyptic. But it seems some people are taking this prediction seriously, including suicidal teens, and parents who, for some perverse reason, like to scare the shit out of their kids.
   One of the more popular myths would have us believe a rogue planet (Nibiru?) is about to slam into the earth, killing everything. Cough (bullshit) cough. These stupid rumours are also taking their toll on supposedly sane, rational adults who have been asking about things like vets putting their pets to sleep to avoid the catastrophe.
   In fact, it go to the point where NASA had to step in Wednesday in a social media blitz to try and assure idiots the world ain't going to end. Particularly, getting a planet in the face. One scientist says if one was heading our way, they'd have known about it for a long, long time. That, and the fact it would be the brightest thing in the sky.
   But no. I'm sure there will be a few people who will take themselves out of the gene pool ahead of the 21st. Good riddance. Just don't take any innocent people with you when you go.
   As for the prediction itself.....well, I'm thinking it's about as accurate as the 4 WRONG ones made by Harold Camping. You remember him? The crusty old fuck was a pastor at some obscure California based church who predicted (wrongly) the world would end on May 21st of last year. When, quite surprisingly to him, when the sun came up on the 22nd, he amended his prediction (I guess he forgot to carry the 1) to October 21st. When, quite surprisingly to him, the sun came up on the 22nd, he further amended his prediction to say no one knows when the world will end. I guess reality finally sunk in.
   Anyway, I'm going to hold an End of the World bash at my place 3 weeks from today on the 21st. And when, not surprisingly, the sun comes up on the 22nd I'll nurse a bitch of a hangover.
   'Nuff said.

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