Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Some Food For Thought

   L.A City Council has voted to do away with meat. At least on Mondays. Yes, the elected officials in La-La Land want the people who put them in power to go meatless on Mondays, thus joining a global initiative asking people to give up meat one day a week. And the vote wasn't even close. The L.A Times says it was 12-0 in favour of abandoning the steak knife, making the California city the largest to jump on the bandwagon.
   And there's no word yet if the LAPD will be policing the plates on any given Monday. Good fucking luck! Not that I have anything against veggies. They make a nice side-dish with my blue-rare steak. I specially like baked potatoes with sour cream, chives and REAL bacon bits! Damn! I'm making myself hungry again.

   And what better way to end a meal than with dessert. Maybe a nice chocolate bar! How about one that costs $18.00! But this isn't your average candy bar. Oh, no.
   This is Good and Evil: (photo courtesy Eclat)
   It's the concoction of several chefs and chocolatiers, and what sets is apart is some of the chocolate used in it. Not the 72% pure dark chocolate, but some white and purple Peruvian cacao nibs. Really? It better be the best goddamned chocolate bar out there for that cash. And no, I won't spend 18 bucks on one to find out.
   But then again, I've come up with the perfect meal! An 8 ounce, $260 dollar piece of Japanese wagyu beef, lightly seared in $54 dollar Greek olive oil, $45 dollar a pound La Bonnotte potatoes, $600 dollar a pound hop shoots topped with shavings from $36 hundred dollar a pound white truffles. All washed down with either $130 dollar a bottle, 65% alcohol Armageddon beer, or a glass or 2 of $168 thousand dollar a bottle Australian Block 42 wine. All followed by a snifter of $2 million dollar a bottle cognac. Of course. All of a sudden, that $18 dollar chocolate bar seems like a bargain! Well, I can dream, can't I?
   (Sigh). I guess tonight it's hamburger helper, bargain store fries and a bottle of Bud. Again. Followed by a leftover Halloween candy bar for dessert.
   'Nuff said.

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